Winter Water Storage: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It
Everyone’s emergency plan looks different. Some families might build a tornado shelter. Others might plan a hurricane evacuation route. While emergency plans can differ, they also have some things in common. Most importantly, every emergency plan should include water storage. Water storage might be your top priority during the summer. Sunny days make us sweat. Warm weather makes us thirsty. But water storage is just as important during the winter. Severe weather and other factors could disrupt your water supply. Here’s why winter water storage is essential for effective preparedness. Why Is Winter Water Storage Important? Maybe you love mountain biking in the summer. Or perhaps you prefer skiing in the winter? Every season brings unique activities to look forward to. In the same way, they each pose a different set of risks. Lower temperatures, less sunlight, and severe storms make winter a dangerous season. In the following scenarios, you’ll be glad you planned ahead and stocked up ...