Winter Water Storage: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It
Everyone’s emergency plan looks different. Some families might build a tornado shelter. Others might plan a hurricane evacuation route. While emergency plans can differ, they also have some things in common. Most importantly, every emergency plan should include water storage.
Water storage might be your top priority during the summer. Sunny days make us sweat. Warm weather makes us thirsty. But water storage is just as important during the winter. Severe weather and other factors could disrupt your water supply. Here’s why winter water storage is essential for effective preparedness.
Why Is Winter Water Storage Important?
Maybe you love mountain biking in the summer. Or perhaps you prefer skiing in the winter? Every season brings unique activities to look forward to. In the same way, they each pose a different set of risks.
Lower temperatures, less sunlight, and severe storms make winter a dangerous season. In the following scenarios, you’ll be glad you planned ahead and stocked up on clean water.
Power Outages
Do you have a plan for winter power outages? You might use a solar powered generator to run a space heater. You might keep solar-powered or battery-powered flashlights on hand. Even with preparation, pipes can freeze during winter outages. If your main line breaks or pipes freeze, how will you get water?
Winter weather can be unpredictable. The forecast might show a heavy snowstorm this week. The next week, it could all melt. Wet winter weather can cause flooding. Floods can cause wells and other water reserves to become contaminated. Even if your home is safe from floodwater, your taps could get compromised. If you can’t use your running water, what will you do?
How Can You Improve Your Clean Water Supply?
With a clean water supply on hand at all times, you can stay prepared for anything. Or create a plan for reliable water filtration. The fewer details you have to worry about in an outage or natural disaster, the better.
Your household should have a gallon of water per person per day for at least 3 days. What does an airtight—or watertight—water storage plan look like? Here are a couple tips.
Choose Smart Storage
Effective water storage takes more than a case of plastic water bottles in your pantry. The right gear can help you store long-lasting, drinkable water. Choose water containers that are easy to store and transport. Your water storage containers should also be FDA-approved and BPA-free.
A water brick storage system can improve your water storage setup. Interlocking water bricks that hold 3.5 gallons of water make storage efficient. This storage system can fit under a bed, in a closet, or under a table. Plus, stackable bricks are easy to carry during evacuations.
Water Bricks |
What if your taps seem to run fine after a big storm? Even if your taps work, you might not know if the water is safe to drink. Sometimes, people aren’t warned that their water is unsafe until days after a storm. Water filtration systems can give you peace of mind.
A countertop water filter is an excellent choice during an emergency. You could even use a filtration system daily to make sure your family’s water supply is always safe. Choose a nanomesh filter that targets 200+ contaminants.
Improving your water storage and filtration system this winter is easy. All you need are the right supplies and a little preparation.
About 4Patriots
An emergency can happen at any time. Are your go-bags ready to grab? How much survival food do you have? How will you get clean water? When you’re ready for anything, you give yourself peace of mind and boost your family’s self-reliance. From living off the grid to preparing for natural disasters, 4Patriots can help. This family-owned company makes survival gear for independent Americans. Store and transport water in their water bricks. Take their delicious survival food on a camping trip. Count on a 4Patriots portable solar generator during a blackout. It doesn’t matter whether you live in a landlocked state or a coastal town. You can turn to 4Patriots for the reliable gear you need to stay safe in any situation.
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