5 Survival Tips the Whole Family Should Know for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is here. Thankfully, getting prepared is simple. Follow the standard precautions, like boarding up windows and doors. But that’s just the beginning. Your whole family should know how to prepare before a tropical storm arrives. With these 5 tips, they can. Start by explaining how to use the solar generator. Then, make sure everyone knows where you keep the first aid kit. Here’s everything you need to know.

Solar Generator

Know How to Operate Your Emergency Generator

First, you want to get a generator with solar panel attachments. These solar generators are fumeless and safe to use. Make sure that someone besides yourself knows how to operate it. Do not let small children operate the generator.

If the lights go out during a hurricane, you can keep important devices working. Don’t get caught in the dark while your family waits out the storm.

Everyone Should Know Where Emergency Food and Water Is Located

It’s always wise to keep survival food on hand. You can store it for long periods of time. During a bad storm, you might not be able to leave home to get food. Be prepared and keep extra emergency food somewhere safe. Make sure everyone in your family knows where the food and water are stored. That way, they can access it when they need it. On the off chance you get separated from them, they will still know where to find food.

Keep a Solar Powered Radio to Keep Current on The Situation

As the situation progresses, you want to stay connected. You’ll want to keep yourself up to date on all emergency announcements. It can be hard to get in touch when the power goes out. A solar-powered radio can be the perfect piece of gear to stay in the loop. Make sure you are tuned to the right channel. Keep it close so you can always be aware of status updates.

Put Flashlights in Each Primary Room

Hurricanes can easily cause blackouts. The best way to keep your family safe is to put flashlights in the primary rooms. Make sure everyone in the family knows where these flashlights are located. This will make it easier for everyone to navigate your home without electricity.

Know Where You Keep the First Aid Kit

Sometimes injuries happen during a crisis. It’s always safest to shelter in place during a hurricane. Keep a first aid kit close by in case you need to care for an injury. You won’t be able to leave home and pick up medical supplies in a crisis. This way, you can take care of minor injuries at home and safely wait out the storm.

About 4Patriots

Emergencies can happen in the blink of an eye. There’s no predicting them. But with 4Patriots, you can be prepared for anything. Start by protecting your family with their top-notch survival gear. Allen and Erin Baler started 4Patriots at their kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee. Their goal: to give everyday people the tools they need to survive any crisis. Now, their team has grown to 175 employees. Their selection of gear has grown, too. 4Patriots has a wide variety of products to optimize your preparedness. Their emergency food kits can last on your pantry shelves for up to 25 years. Plus, their solar generators can power important devices in a blackout. 4Patriots gear is there for you when you need it most.

Prepare your entire family for hurricane season with excellent gear from https://4patriots.com/

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