3 Survival Skills to Teach Your Kids During Summer Vacation

There’s a lot to love about summer break. Spending time outdoors with your family is 1 of the best parts of summer. Camping trips are perfect for creating cherished memories. Plus, your kids can enjoy fun experiences, like learning to fish. They’ll always remember roasting marshmallows over a fire they built with you.

Survival Food

Summer break is more than a chance to have fun with your family. It’s also a great time to teach your kids valuable life skills. From first aid basics to using a solar generator, it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can get the whole family involved! Here are 3 life skills you can teach your kids this summer.

How to Prepare a Meal

Cooking is a valuable survival skill. When the kids are out of school, you’ll have plenty of time to teach them the basics. Plus, having the kids make dinner 1 night a week might be a nice change of pace!

Start with basic kitchen safety. Explain how to properly use kitchen tools and appliances. Then, set a few ground rules for the kitchen. Maybe you want to make sure your kids don’t use certain equipment alone. An adult should always supervise young kids while cooking or eating.

To add an extra survival skill, teach your kids how to use survival food to make a meal. Do you have powdered milk or butter? Show your kids how to mix those supplies with water. Do you keep packaged survival meals on hand? Teach your kids how to prepare those meals for camping or emergencies.

How to Pack a First Aid Kit

A good first aid kit is essential when you have kids. You never know when you may need minor medical supplies. Someone could scrape their knee on a hike. You may even get a small burn from a campfire. Teaching your kids everything they need to know about a first aid kit can be a valuable skill.

Before your next camping trip or hike, pack a first aid kit with your kids. Some items to include are:

● Band-aids
● Gauze
● Antiseptic wipes
● Medical scissors
● Antibacterial ointment
● Tweezers
● Non Latex gloves

How to Use a Power Source

Power is vital during an emergency. Charging personal devices keeps you connected. A light source can help your family stay calm. Some life-preserving medical devices such as personal CPAPs or oxygen machines may require electricity. Summer is the perfect time to show your kids how to use a generator.

Teach your kids about generators to build their independence. A reliable generator with solar panel technology is easy to use and fume-free. A portable generator can be lightweight.

Show your little ones how to plug a foldable solar panel into your portable generator. Explain how the generator harnesses unlimited, free energy from the sun. With supervision, teenagers may be able to set up the generator on your next family camping trip. Younger children will learn by watching you set up the family’s power source.

With just a few tips, teaching them survival skills is easy. Help your kids become more independent this summer break by taking the time to show them the ropes.

About 4Patriots

Does your family value independence? Keeping your loved ones safe can be as simple as preparing for the unexpected. It takes planning and reliable gear to make it through an emergency. Make sure you’re ready for anything with supplies from 4Patriots. This family-run company makes all kinds of survival gear. Their selection of delicious survival food keeps your family fed. Their solar generators provide power when you need it most. These versatile products are perfect for everything from natural disasters to camping trips. With gear you can trust, you can outlast any emergency. 4Patriots even provides peace of mind with their 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No matter what Mother Nature throws your way, 4Patriots has your back.

Help your kids learn valuable skills with gear from https://4patriots.com/

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