
Showing posts with the label solar backup generator

What You Need to Create a Reliable Get-Home Plan

Preparing for emergencies starts at home. Do you have a supply of emergency food and water in your pantry? Do you have a generator with solar panel attachments in case of an outage? If you value preparedness, you likely have a bug-out bag and evacuation plan ready to go. But what if you’re not home when an emergency happens? Earthquakes can damage roads. Civil unrest can cause traffic. When unexpected circumstances arise, getting home is often your first priority. Home might be your refuge. Or it’s where you’ll stop to grab important supplies before evacuating. A get-home plan is essential for emergency preparedness. Here’s everything you need to know about creating a get-home plan of your own. The Bag A get-home bag is different from a go-bag. In a perfect world, you could bring your gear with you everywhere. Let’s face it—you can’t lug around 3 days of food and drinking water all the time. A get-home bag has the essentials you need to get to safety. Then, you can grab your long-te...

4 Ways to Prepare For Sudden Summer Power Outages

Power outages are more common during the peak of summer or winter. Extreme temperatures put more strain on the power grid, causing more power failures. Make sure your loved ones are safe if you lose power during the hot months. Here are 4 tips for preparing for a summer power outage. Portable Power Station Worry Less with More Water Staying hydrated is vital, especially during heat waves. During a summer power outage, you may experience higher temperatures. Overheating and dehydration go hand in hand, so make sure your family has a good water supply. To stay safe and hydated, always keep at least a 3-day supply of water in your home. If a blackout lasts for more than a day, it could affect your town’s water tower. Fill up your bathtub with water in case the power outage lasts for a long time. Keep Things Running Although it may be hard to believe, the hot summer sun can be good for something during a blackout! A solar generator can harness free, limitless energy from ...

3 Survival Skills to Teach Your Kids During Summer Vacation

There’s a lot to love about summer break. Spending time outdoors with your family is 1 of the best parts of summer. Camping trips are perfect for creating cherished memories. Plus, your kids can enjoy fun experiences, like learning to fish. They’ll always remember roasting marshmallows over a fire they built with you. Survival Food Summer break is more than a chance to have fun with your family. It’s also a great time to teach your kids valuable life skills. From first aid basics to using a solar generator , it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can get the whole family involved! Here are 3 life skills you can teach your kids this summer. How to Prepare a Meal Cooking is a valuable survival skill. When the kids are out of school, you’ll have plenty of time to teach them the basics. Plus, having the kids make dinner 1 night a week might be a nice change of pace! Start with basic kitchen safety. Explain how to properly use kitchen tools and appliances. Then, set a few g...