3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Survival Gear

You may have a large stockpile of survival gear, food, and other supplies ready to go in case of a disaster. But when was the last time you checked your gear? What about your survival caches? Items can go bad if they are not maintained. Because having the items you need is only half of the battle. You also need to make sure they are ready to go when disaster strikes, whenever that may be. Checking your emergency gear is quick and easy. Add it to your spring cleaning list and get it out of the way.

Here is what you need to know about maintaining and restocking your survival supplies.

Survival Food Kits

How Often Should You Check Your Supplies?

A quick once-over every 6 months or so is perfect for most of your supplies. You will want to check the shorter-term items, such as canned food, medicines, and other perishable items. You should also look at your electric fire starters and solar powered flashlights. Make sure they are still working and don’t need repairs. You shouldn’t have to worry about the best survival food kits, as they are meant to last for years. But if it’s been a while, you might want to inspect them. Every year, do a more thorough inventory. Check what’s in your emergency supplies and first aid kits. It’s essential to go over your emergency plans too, since your needs might have changed.

Here’s What You Should Replace

You might need to replace many different items. You will want to replace perishables. Move items from the back to the front and get rid of items at the front that have expired. You should also replenish your water supplies. Some water storage containers can last for years but should still be checked occasionally. If you store water in your own containers, you should replace the water every 6 months. Medicine is another concern, as it can expire quickly. Make sure your medicine stocks are up to date. Check any batteries you have stocked, as well as any fuel canisters and solar powered electronics.

Check Your Long-Term Items

Even long-term storage items are worth checking. Make sure your survival meals are still in good shape. Be sure to store them in cool, dry places. Check your fire extinguishers, as they need to be recharged or replaced every 10 years. You should also periodically go through your supply caches. Check to make sure they are still in place and still sealed. If they are not, you will need to resupply your cache. Your stockpile should include long-term items and food that can last years.

About 4Patriots

You never know when a crisis will strike. Prepare yourself and your family with the help of 4Patriots. Allen and Erin Baler founded 4Patriots in Nashville, Tennessee, at their kitchen table. The company now employs more than 190 people. Keep your family safe with 4Patriots' wide range of survival supplies. Emergency food kits provide tasty survival food. A solar generator can power your critical devices in a blackout. Rest assured, 4Patriots holds their products to a high standard of quality. You can trust that they will perform when you need them most. 4Patriots also supports the American military, veterans, and their families. They committed to a "$1K a Day" initiative in 2022. Become a part of the 4Patriots family today, and you won't get caught off guard tomorrow.

Restock your emergency supplies at https://4patriots.com/

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