
Showing posts with the label healthy survival food kits

4 Times You’ll Want a Solar Power Generator Nearby

Do you have a generator with solar panel add-ons at home? If not, now is the perfect time to add this piece of gear to your setup. A generator with solar panels gives you access to power when an outage occurs for any reason. It can give you peace of mind. Plus, it’s super convenient.  Solar Generator As hurricane season picks up this year, your family may have to outlast the storm without power. Be ready at a moment’s notice with a solar generator. Even on stormy days, a solar generator can keep fridges, lights, and all kinds of devices powered. It’s all thanks to advanced battery technology. Here are a few times when having a solar-powered generator on hand can be useful. Storm and Hurricane Season For a large part of the USA, it’s storm season—and that includes hurricanes. Even when they reach the shore, they can be powerful. Plus, they can stay just as powerful as they make their way inland. You may live hundreds of miles from the coast and still feel the force of a hurricane.

4 Essential Cold-Weather Survival Tips

Summer is over, and the weather is changing. Snow may have already fallen where you live. Cold weather is here to stay for the next several months. It’s important to keep your family safe, no matter the conditions. Winter weather poses unique challenges. You would never want to be stuck without food or water when the power goes out, and your house gets cold. Even worse, you don’t want to risk hypothermia or other cold-related conditions. Read these tips for winter preparedness. Then, stock up on essential equipment and supplies. That way, you’ll be ready, no matter what mother nature throws at you. Survival Food Kits Lost or Stuck? Stay with Your Vehicle Imagine that your family is planning to visit relatives for the holidays. You’re loading up the vehicle when you hear about a potential snowstorm in the forecast. It’s supposed to be minor, and it’s too late to cancel your trip. So, everyone gets in, and you hit the highway. But that little squall unexpectedly turns into a major stor

How to Be a Community Resource During a Disaster

It’s always a good idea to help others during a disaster. Your community can rebuild together with the right resources. Without a doubt, there is strength in numbers. As a community resource, you can help things return to normal after an earthquake, hurricane, or other emergency. You might donate your time and energy to help people rebuild. You could grant others use of your WiFi if it is still working. Or you could let those in need use your solar generator to power their phones and contact with loved ones. Here are a few ideas for how you can help your community with the right supplies. Survival Food Kits Teach Others How to Survive You will be a community resource if you already have the skills to survive a disaster. You can use your knowledge to help others. If needed, you can barter your knowledge. In most cases, the skills you help others develop will be invaluable. Others will be more likely to pool their resources if you can teach them how to use the tools needed in an emerg

3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Survival Gear

You may have a large stockpile of survival gear , food, and other supplies ready to go in case of a disaster. But when was the last time you checked your gear? What about your survival caches? Items can go bad if they are not maintained. Because having the items you need is only half of the battle. You also need to make sure they are ready to go when disaster strikes, whenever that may be. Checking your emergency gear is quick and easy. Add it to your spring cleaning list and get it out of the way. Here is what you need to know about maintaining and restocking your survival supplies. Survival Food Kits How Often Should You Check Your Supplies? A quick once-over every 6 months or so is perfect for most of your supplies. You will want to check the shorter-term items, such as canned food, medicines, and other perishable items. You should also look at your electric fire starters and solar powered flashlights. Make sure they are still working and don’t need repairs. You shouldn’t have to w