Evacuation 101: What to Know When It’s Time to Go

Most of us hope we will never have to evacuate our homes. Preparing for evacuations can help you stay safe if or when you need to evacuate. But there’s nothing more important than protecting your family during an emergency evacuation. They will always be your top priority.

Ready to prepare for an evacuation? Here’s everything you need to know when it’s time to go.

Emergency Food

Packing Light Is Packing Right

It might be tempting to grab sentimental or valuable items. Remember that your safety is the most important thing. Packing a go-bag ahead of time will keep you from over- or under-packing. Your go-bag should be easy to carry. These bags should have important documents and personal items in them. You should also keep nonperishable emergency food and drinking water in a go-bag.

With all your essentials ready to go, you can move fast when you’re told to evacuate. If time allows, you can use any spare seconds turning off your utilities. Keep your vehicles’ gas tanks filled. But if you’re leaving a car behind, make sure it isn’t blocking roadways. These small actions can help first responders. Packing ahead of time can help you focus on these important details during an emergency.

Practice Your Plan

Think of your emergency plan like the script of a movie. Actors don’t bring their scripts on screen with them when it’s time to perform. Similarly, in a real evacuation, you won’t want to have to review your emergency plan. You’ll want to know it by heart. Periodically conducting an evacuation drill can make sure your household is prepared. You can even time your evacuation drill so you know how long it takes you to leave the house.

Practicing your plan will also help you find any weak spots before it’s time to go. Do you store your extra water in heavy jugs in the basement? This might be fine for a tornado warning, but what if you’re evacuating on short notice? Switching out your heavy water jugs for easy-to-carry water bricks is a great solution. Going over the details of your emergency plan helps you make strategic changes to save time.

Tune in to the Right Stations

Wildfires can move quickly. Earthquakes can cause road closures. Traffic can cause delays. Listening to local emergency radio stations ensures you take the best evacuation route. It’s important to listen to local news to avoid danger or road closures.

A hand-crank radio is great for emergencies. These radios operate without power. Be sure to write down local radio stations ahead of time. A portable solar generator can also help you tune in to local news. A palm-sized portable charger can keep your phone fully charged. You may lose cell signal during an evacuation. Still, you’ll want your essential devices to be charged when you regain service. This will allow you to contact friends and extended family to plan your next steps.

About 4Patriots

Do you have an emergency plan? Is your go-bag up to date? Are your survival food kits stored properly? Are you ready for power outages? 4Patriots can help you answer these important questions. This family-owned preparedness company even offers online classes. That means more opportunities to build crucial survival skills. Gear from 4Patriots keeps you ready for anything. Plus, all the knowledge you gain can help you think fast under pressure. Boost your independence with the right gear and skills. Use your 4Patriots gear to upgrade your go-bag and supplies. Take a 4Patriots class that helps you create a reliable emergency plan. When you answer the big questions, you’ll feel prepared and enjoy peace of mind.

Learn more about how to prepare for the unexpected at https://4patriots.com/

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