4 Times When A Family Evacuation Plan Is a Good Idea

Is your family prepared to respond to an emergency in the blink of an eye? You should be ready to grab your go-bags and evacuate with little notice. This is why preparing before emergencies happen is so important. Maybe you’ve even practiced fire or tornado drills with your family. Here are 4 more times when a family evacuation plan is a good idea.


Getting to higher ground quickly and safely during a flood is important. If you have an evacuation route prepared and it’s safe, stick to it. Along the way, remember these safety tips when navigating flooded conditions:

  • Don’t drive through flood water. Even a small amount of water can carry your car away.
  • Shallow water can be dangerous to walk through because of strong currents.
  • Avoid crossing bridges over fast-moving water.
  • Always follow evacuation orders from authorities, even if they mean adapting your plan.

During a flood, you should:

  • Quickly grab emergency food and evacuate if you are told to.
  • If you get stuck in your car, stay inside unless the water rises. Climb out onto the roof of your car if the water does rise.
  • Get to the highest level of the building you are in. Only go to the roof if necessary.


Wildfires can start at any time if the conditions are right. Surviving a wildfire starts with a careful evacuation plan. Keep the following details in mind if you need to evacuate:

Water Bricks

  • Have a destination in mind and know how to get there. Keep your car fueled up and ready to go. Always have a backup plan, and don’t rely solely on GPS. Take a map, too.
  • Prepare an emergency kit with a radio, cell phone charger, flashlight, batteries, and first- aid essentials you can take on the go.
  • Keep a duffel bag by the door with clothing, medication, and enough food and water for a week or more. Water bricks are a compact way to store emergency water.
  • Remember your pets’ needs. They will need food, water, and a kennel if you have to leave home.
  • Make copies of important documents like insurance and personal information. Store them in plastic bags to keep them safe from damage.

Gas Leaks

Gas leaks aren’t just dangerous. They can be deadly. It’s important to take steps quickly to ensure your family stays safe. Here’s what to do if you smell gas in your home:

  • Identify where your gas meter is and know how to turn it off.
  • Evacuate your family immediately and open doors and windows as you leave.
  • Don’t use electronics or lighters.
  • Call 911 and wait for instructions. Don’t re-enter your home until you are told it is safe.


Do you live in an area prone to earthquakes? Prepare for them by teaching your family the ‘drop, cover, and hold-on’ drill beforehand. Here’s how it works:

  • Step 1: Drop to your hands and knees when you feel the earth shaking or receive an alert.
  • Step 2: Cover your head with your arms and neck with your hands.
  • Step 3: Seek shelter or coverage. A table you can get under and hold onto is a good option.

Portable Solar Generator

Evacuate your family from the building as soon as possible if the earthquake causes a fire or other life-threatening hazard. It’s a good rule of thumb to be prepared with all necessary supplies you and your family need for up to 2 weeks.

About 4Patriots

Are you ready for unpredictable spring weather? What about unexpected power outages? Don’t let emergencies catch you and your family unprepared. Now is a great time to improve your action plan. Want to boost your survival skills? Stay ready for anything with high-quality survival gear and online classes from 4Patriots. Their water bricks can help keep your family hydrated. 4Patriots emergency food kits can help keep your family fed. A portable solar generator can keep the lights on during bad storms. Use 4Patriots gear to stock your go-bags. Or keep their portable gear in your car for safety on the road. You’ll have peace of mind everywhere you go. When emergency strikes, gear from 4Patriots makes sure you’re ready.

Prepare your family for evacuations with gear from 4Patriots at https://4patriots.com/

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