5 Types of Survival Supplies You’ll Need During a Severe Weather Event

Everyone has a favorite type of weather. You might love falling asleep to the sound of rain. The sight of fresh snow might make you feel like a kid again. Maybe you love basking in the sun on a hot summer day. While there’s plenty to love about every season, there’s also plenty to prepare for. If you worry about extreme weather events, it can be hard to enjoy your favorite seasons.

Extreme weather events can turn a gentle storm into a sudden emergency. The right survival supplies and plans can keep your family safe. When you’re prepared for any weather scenario, you can enjoy peace of mind no matter the forecast. Here are 5 types of survival supplies that can keep you safe during severe weather:

Emergency Food


You might have to shelter in place during a storm. Or maybe your family has to evacuate on short notice. Whether you’re staying or going, you need food. Food is essential for thinking clearly. A clear head can help you make good decisions under pressure. Choose long-lasting, easy-to-prepare food. Emergency food kits can make planning easy. Choose kits with a shelf life of up to 25 years in proper storage conditions.


Water is an important resource that could be impacted by severe weather. Runoff from storms can contaminate your town’s water supply. It can take days, or even weeks, to restore clean water to an area. Keep your family safe and healthy with a supply of drinking water. It’s important to store water in BPA-free, FDA-approved containers. Interlocking water bricks can make storing and transporting water easy. These bricks maximize the amount of water you can store in your home. Plus, these bricks are easier to carry in an evacuation than jugs of water.


Losing power during a storm is common. Outages can be more than just inconvenient. They can also be dangerous. A backup power supply is essential for your severe storm emergency plan. A portable solar generator can help you power medical devices. You can charge personal devices and stay up to date on local news. You can keep your family safe from extreme temperatures. A reliable, indoor-safe power source can help you outlast severe weather and more.

Portable Solar Generator


Keeping morale high is important during emergencies. Whether you’re hunkering down or evacuating, activities can keep spirits high. Put a pack of cards in your go-bag. Keep some board games in your storm shelter. If you have kids, keep some of their favorite books in your car in case you need to pull over during a storm.

Home Improvements

If you live in the Midwest, you need to have a tornado plan you can follow at a moment’s notice. In Florida, you should have storm shutters on your house. If you live out west where wildfires are common, you should keep your gutters clean and prune large trees. Preparing your home for the type of severe weather your area experiences most often is a great way to keep your loved ones safe.

With these tips and supplies, peace of mind will be the only thing in your forecast.

About 4Patriots

4Patriots is a family-owned company that helps you prepare for emergencies. Everyone’s preparedness plan looks different. Some people might think you’re not prepared unless you have a solar generator. Others might think a backpack full of survival food is enough. When it comes to keeping your family safe, you can never be too prepared. 4Patriots has gear for any emergency you might face. Are you creating a hurricane evacuation plan? Are wildfires common in your region? Is your family ready to start living off the grid? What will you do if you lose power without warning? Gear and online courses from 4Patriots can help you prepare for it all. The 4Patriots preparedness blog can even teach you important skills. Whatever helps you feel most prepared, find it at 4Patriots.

Find food, water, and power sources at https://4patriots.com/

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