School Is in Session: 3 Reasons to Review Your Family Emergency Plan

Back-to-school season is busy. Your kids and grandkids will face new challenges. They’ll ask big questions and learn new things. As you get children ready for another school year, you want to enhance their independence. This is the perfect time of year to revisit your family’s emergency plan.

Is your youngest starting kindergarten? Are older kids moving on to high school? Your emergency plan is important no matter how old your kids are. Some parts of your plan may stay the same each year. But other details can change. Even if your emergency food can last for years in proper storage, the rest of your plan might need a refresh. Here are 3 reasons to revisit your family’s emergency plan at the beginning of the school year.

It’s an Easy Reminder

Spring cleaning reminds us to scrub our baseboards. Falling leaves remind us to clean our gutters before winter. Yearly reminders like these can help us keep up with easy-to-forget tasks. Use the start of the school year as your annual reminder to update your emergency plan. That way, you can make sure it still works for the whole family.

Look for ways to improve your plan. Should you replace those bulky water jugs with interlocking water bricks? Can you strengthen your tornado shelter? Refreshing your emergency plan every year can keep your family on the same page. You can also revisit everyone’s role in your emergency plan. After all, your kids might be ready to take on more responsibility.

Your Emergency Contacts Change

Willyour oldest going to a new school this year? Do your kids have soccer practice twice a week? Do they take the bus home? Do your kids stay with a neighbor until you’re off work or go to an after-school program?

These changes impact your emergency plan. Update your contact information with schools and caretakers. Pass along important phone numbers to your emergency contacts. Make sure family members know where to reach each other during the day. By taking care of these details, you can move fast and stay calm in any scenario.

Daily Schedules Are Different

A new school year means new schedules—and not only class schedules. Your kids will meet their new teachers . You should make sure you’re aware of their new schedule, too. Revisiting your family emergency plan and comparing schedules goes a long way.

Knowing where every family member usually is during the week can keep your plan airtight. Your emergency meeting place might change based on after-school activities. The quickest route to your kid’s school might change based on your work schedule. Most of all, be sure to emphasize communication. If anyone’s typical routine changes, they should let the rest of the family know.

A refreshed plan is a reliable plan. By reviewing your emergency plan at the start of each school year, your family can keep each other safe.

About 4Patriots

Are you raising kids in a cozy Midwestern town? Did you retire in sunny Florida? Do you visit the West Coast for fishing trips? Every corner of America is beautiful. But every region also has its share of dangers. 4Patriots can help you prepare for any emergency. This family-owned company makes survival gear to support your self-reliance. Make a 4Patriots generator your trusted power source during hurricanes. Or stock up on 4Patriots survival food to keep your family fed during a wildfire evacuation. Their products can even improve your daily life. Bring gear and food from 4Patriots on camping trips. Use a portable solar generator to power your next block party. Their 365-day money-back guarantee gives you peace of mind. 4Patriots helps you make the most of all the good times and stay prepared for every challenge.

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