How to Prepare for 3 Common Fall Weather Events

Are you a football fan? Do you love hot apple cider? Does your family take an annual fall camping trip? There’s a lot to love about this great season. As you plan all the fall festivities, make sure to prepare for common fall weather threats.

Transitional seasons like spring and fall have a reputation for unpredictable weather. Temperatures and humidity are constantly changing. These conditions are just right for severe storms and wind. Luckily, with the right preparation plan, you can stay calm. All it takes is a few emergency preparedness tips to enjoy the colorful leaves with peace of mind. Here’s everything you need to know about 3 common fall weather threats and how to prepare for them.

Early Snow

Waking up to a little surprise snow can be the recipe for a cozy fall morning. However, too much unexpected snow too soon can be dangerous. As the seasons change, keep your eye on the weather forecast. Heavy fall snow can cause tree branches to snap. Drivers may not be ready for icy conditions. Power lines can even be damaged.

By preparing now, you can enjoy the early snow worry-free. Make sure the tread on your car tires is in good condition. Prune any large or overgrown trees near your home. Keep a charged solar generator in your home in case of a power outage. And, of course, always keep hot chocolate and mini marshmallows on hand.

Solar Generator


Peak tornado season happens from late spring to early summer. However, fall is a close second. Seasonal weather and air pressure changes can cause tornados. Remember to stay alert and prepared for tornados throughout the fall. If you have kids, make sure their schools practice tornado drills.

Did you use your tornado shelter a lot this summer? Be sure to replenish your supplies. Restock your supply of snacks and long-lasting food. Survival food bars that don’t require heat or water are great for your shelter. Add a few cozy blankets and warm pieces of clothing in case you need to take shelter during a cold snap.

Survival Food


Did a record-breaking heat wave leave your town parched? As extreme heat dries out wild grasses, fires are more likely to ignite. Temperatures shift and pressure changes during the fall. That means high winds can cause fires to spread in the blink of an eye. Even if wildfires seem far away, the smoke can travel far. Whether or not you evacuate, preparing ahead of time is best.

Wildfires might feel beyond your control. But you choose how you respond to them. Prioritize fire-safe landscaping practices, like clearing gutters and pruning plants. Review your emergency evacuation plan with your family. Keep masks on hand for smoky days, and use an air filtration system. Of course, always be smart when lighting fireworks or hosting bonfires.

You can enjoy everything fall has to offer by preparing for these 3 common fall weather events.

About 4Patriots

Solar Generator

Are you raising kids in a cozy Midwestern town? Did you retire in sunny Florida? Do you visit the West Coast for fishing trips? Every corner of America is beautiful. But every region also has its share of dangers. 4Patriots can help you prepare for any emergency. This family-owned company makes survival gear to support your self-reliance. Make a 4Patriots generator your trusted power source during hurricanes. Or stock up on 4Patriots survival food to keep your family fed during a wildfire evacuation. Their products can improve your daily life. Bring gear and food from 4Patriots on camping trips. Use a generator with solar panel attachments to power your next block party. Their 365-day money-back guarantee gives you peace of mind. 4Patriots helps you make the most of all the good times and stay prepared for every challenge.

Prepare for fall weather with gear from

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