7 Tips for Staying Cool and Calm During a Heatwave

A little heat and sunshine can make for a fun summer day. However, extreme heat can be unpleasant and dangerous, even deadly. If temperatures in your town are soaring this summer, don’t worry.

You and your loved ones can handle any heat wave with a little preparation and the right supplies. Here are 7 ways to stay safe, cool, and calm during a summer heatwave.

Look Ahead

The best offense is a good defense. Keep an eye on local weather forecasts so you aren’t caught off guard by extreme heat. When you know what to expect, you can help your loved ones prepare for a heatwave.

Maybe it’s time to charge up your solar powered generator to run more fans throughout your house. Maybe your family can plan a camping trip to a higher elevation. Coming up with a plan will help you prepare to beat the heat.

Stock Up On Refreshing Treats

There’s nothing kids and adults love more than a cold, sweet treat on a hot day. Your family (and your tastebuds) will thank you for having crisp snacks ready.

Watermelon, oranges, and celery contain a lot of water and are naturally refreshing. For frozen treats, use a portable, rechargeable cooler. It’s an excellent option for keeping treats like popsicles frozen without power, and no messy cleanup from a bunch of ice.

Avoid Power Outages

Power outages are usually out of your control. But some are preventable. Do you plug in more fans in your home to stay cool? This can strain your electrical system and cause an outage.

Luckily, you can avoid this issue using a generator with solar panel attachments. Power your cooling equipment with a portable generator safe for indoor use. Solar generators charge for free in the sun, so both your breaker and wallet will thank you.

Stay Hydrated

Your body knows how to cool you down. Drinking enough water is always important, and during a heat wave it’s critical.

Keep a water filtration system in your home. It’s the easiest way to make sure your family always has access to refreshing, high-quality water.

Draw the Shades

Have you ever walked inside during a heat wave hoping to feel relief, but your home feels stuffy and hot? Blocking out the hot sun helps keep your home cool.

Before you leave, draw the shades and make sure all your windows are shut. This helps keep cool air inside and prevents the sun from heating up your house while you’re away.

Know What to Look For

Knowing the warning signs of heat stroke and exhaustion during a heat wave is critical. Small children and older family members are at a higher risk. And heat-related illnesses are no joke.

Watch for warning signs, such as nausea, headache, redness, or confusion. Identifying symptoms of dehydration or heat stroke early can save a life. To outlast a heatwave, everyone needs to work together.

Make the Most of It

We can’t control the weather. But as long as everyone is safe and healthy, your family can still make the most of the warm summer days! Just do it early in the morning or late in the day.

Have a water balloon fight. Fill up the kiddy pool. Run through the sprinklers. There are plenty of ways to make the most of a heat wave while creating lasting memories along the way.

About 4Patriots

Are you ready to become more self-reliant? Do you want to teach your family valuable life skills? Start with survival gear you can count on. Being prepared for any situation is a lifestyle. 4Patriots can help make sure you have everything you need to stay safe. This family-owned company takes pride in helping you boost your independence. Plus, their emergency gear comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. 4Patriots survival meals can feed your loved ones on a camping trip. Or eat this food to outlast an emergency. Keep a solar generator on hand for outages. Their water storage and filtration solutions give you a reliable water supply. With food, power, and water, you’ll be ready for anything. Enjoy good times and get through tough times with gear from 4Patriots.

Beat the heat with gear from 4Patriots at https://4patriots.com/

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