5 Tips to Help You Feel Prepared and Stay Calm During a Blackout

Power outages happen all around the country. Still, they can catch you off-guard if you’re not prepared. It can make your family feel uncomfortable or panicked. But you know to expect the unexpected. You have survival gear to outlast short-term and long-term blackouts.

Survival Food

When a blackout occurs, it can limit access to everyday conveniences. You can’t just turn on the lights with the flip of a switch. You need a power source and non-perishable food options. With these tips, you can make sure your family stays calm and feels safe, even during a blackout.

Invest in a Solar Generator

A generator is a must for anyone who wants to prepare for a blackout. With a generator, you know you have a backup power source. That provides a sense of calm and security, especially at the beginning of the outage. When a blackout starts, it can be easy to feel lost in the unknown. You’re not sure how it happened or how long it will last. But a generator can help keep a fridge and freezer running, power a microwave, or charge your phone. Choose a safe, silent and fume-free solar generator so you only need the power of the sun to keep your power source running.

Stock Up on Survival Food

Survival food can come in handy during a blackout. If the situation lasts longer than 1 day, you’ll be glad you stocked up on survival food. Plus, you can prepare it using power from your solar generator. It’s an easy way to keep the family satisfied. You can find survival food kits for all sorts of timelines. From 72 hours to 4 weeks or longer, you can get the perfect option to suit your family. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that. But if it does, you’ll be ready. Choose foods everyone will enjoy, including freeze-dried fruits and hearty emergency food bars.

Find Games for the Kids

Staying calm is much easier when everyone feels relaxed. If you have kids, keeping them entertained and in a positive mindset is very important. You might not want to keep the television on. But you can charge a tablet or even an e-reader with a portable power station. Or maybe it’s time to break out a deck of cards or a board game. Familiar games can help your family stay calm and connected during an outage.

Keep a Tactical Flashlight

Blackouts can happen at night, too. Nighttime power outages present unique challenges. First and most importantly, you need a reliable light source. A multi-use, solar flashlight is a great addition to any emergency kit. It’s also nice to keep in your home or car, in case you need it on the go. A solar flashlight doesn’t need batteries, thanks to the power of the sun. Search for one with extra features like a glass-breaking tool, seatbelt cutter, and red S.O.S. light. All of these can help make sure you’re ready for anything with a light-providing multi-tool.

Use a Water Filtration System

More than anything, you need water. That’s just a fact. Your water might still run during a blackout. But if bad weather causes waterlines to stop working, what will you do? It can happen during a freeze or a strong storm. Stock up on water bricks or another water storage solution. You may even want to invest in a water filtration system. That way, you can rest assured knowing all the water you and your family drink is safe and clean.

Blackouts can happen in the blink of an eye but may also last several days. Make sure your family is safe when you don’t have power or perishable food on hand. A generator with solar panel technology can help everyone feel comfortable. It’s a do-it-all piece of gear that keeps you ready for anything.

About 4Patriots

Self-reliance is essential. It takes careful planning to help your family become more independent. But you’re up for the challenge. Are you prepared for power outages? Do you have a plan to outlast severe weather? Is your food supply stocked up? You’ll need more than a flashlight and a few water bottles. 4Patriots has everything you need to keep your family safe. From solar equipment to survival food, 4Patriots delivers when you need it most. Plus, every 4Patriots product comes with a 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee. Use their supplies on your next camping trip. Or build a versatile collection of gear for the unexpected. No matter what life throws your way, 4Patriots can help make sure you’re ready.

Stay calm during emergencies with help from 4Patriots at https://4patriots.com/

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