How to Teach Your Teenagers About Emergency Preparedness

Raising teenagers can be tough. The teen years are an important time to bond with your kids and teach them important skills. An excellent lesson parents can teach their kids is preparing for emergencies.

Emergency Food

As your kids get older, they might want to take on a bigger role around the house. That might mean taking care of more important chores. Or maybe they want more responsibility in your family’s emergency plan. Take a look at these 4 ways you can prepare your teenager for the real world.

Plan a Camping Trip

Your family values independence. You’ve likely raised your kids to love camping and respect the outdoors. Ask your teenager to help plan your next family camping trip. It’s an excellent way to help them learn the importance of preparation.

They’ll have to think of all the supplies they’ll need at different locations. Is there going to be a water source? Are you bringing anything that needs a power source? Make a list together of what to pack, such as camping food or a portable power station. Decisions like these are perfect for thinking through every scenario.

Review Your Disaster Supply Kit

Your disaster supply kit should contain the basics for surviving an emergency. Plus, it should be easy to carry. This is something your kids are likely already familiar with. As they get older, they may have more questions about creating their own kit. Learning the basics of emergency preparedness is as simple as reviewing the essentials. Here are a few questions you and your teen can answer together:

• Are the solar flashlight and radio charged?

• Do we have extra portable power solutions?

• Is any of our survival food expired or compromised?

Make a note of any gear that’s missing or needs repairing.

Make Dinner Together

Cooking is an important life skill that your teens are likely already learning. Yet, cooking may look different after an emergency. Spend quality time with your teen by cooking a meal with your favorite emergency food.

You can even use a camp stove and camp dishes to make it more authentic. Teaching your teen how to make a delicious and satisfying meal is easy. All you need is tasty, easy-to-transport food. Together, discuss why a long shelf life is important for survival food. With tasty food and a valuable lesson, you can make a meal and a memory together.

Reward Them with Responsibility

Teenagers value honest communication. Sit your teen down and discuss how the world is changing as they become a young adult. By listening to them, you’ll build trust. Discuss how when they were little, family members took care of them. Explain that as they get older, they have a new role of taking care of other family members. Grandparents or younger siblings may need help outside of emergencies, too.

Show them that you value their hard work and input by giving them a special responsibility. This could be setting up the portable solar generator at your next tailgate. Or they could try making dinner once a week. Choose a responsibility that applies to your family’s emergency response plan.

If your family values independence, you value preparation. Help your teens become the adults the world needs by preparing them for anything. With the right mentoring, they’ll gain the skills to protect themselves and others.

About 4Patriots

How will you respond to the unexpected? Power outages, severe weather, and natural disasters can have devastating effects. Do you have what you need to keep your family safe during a crisis? Emergency gear from 4Patriots has your back. Every product from 4Patriots comes with a 365-day, 100% money back guarantee. Plus, 4Patriots is a family-owned company. Their mission is to champion self-reliance and independence. You can’t predict the future. But you can stock up on survival food, solar-powered products, and more from 4Patriots. It’s exactly what you need to get through any emergency. Keep your essential medical devices and appliances running with a solar powered generator. Charge your phone on the go with a portable power station. From air and water purification to bug-out kits, 4Patriots has all your needs covered.

Teach your teens to prepare for anything with supplies from


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