5 Solar Powered Survival Devices You’ll Want When Disaster Strikes

Have you thought about what you’d do if the unexpected happened? Do you have a plan to protect your family? There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world, and it’s impossible to predict what might happen next. If you aren’t ready, there could be consequences.

Portable Power Station

Your ability to get through the next crisis depends on 2 things. It comes down to your independence and self-reliance. An effective emergency plan should mean you’re prepared for anything. Having to rely on the power grid, government services, or even your neighbors for help won’t cut it.

But that doesn’t mean you need to take your family into the hills and live in a cave. In fact, with gear like a solar powered generator, you can get through the next disaster in the comfort of your own home.

Does that sound like the best way to keep your loved ones safe? If so, read on. Here’s a list of the 5 solar survival devices every family should have.

Portable Solar Generator

This is the centerpiece of any solar survival kit. A portable solar generator can protect you from a variety of disasters. Like all solar powered sources, it charges for free in the sun.

The best portable generators have standard outlets and USB ports. That allows you to run both appliances and smaller devices. Shopping for a solar generator that meets your needs? Look for a generator that comes with its own solar panel.

Tactical Solar Flashlight

In a survival situation, the most valuable tools are solutions that can multitask. Of course, you’ll want to have a solar flashlight that doesn’t depend on batteries. But it’s even better if your flashlight is more than a light source.

There’s a trick to emergency preparedness. You want to have everything you need to handle whatever comes your way. But you also don’t want a kit or go-bag that weighs 100 pounds. That’s why a multifunctional solar flashlight is worth its weight in gold.

Portable Power Station

A portable generator is ideal for keeping your important appliances running. It’s also perfect for powering medical devices like a CPAP or personal oxygen machine. But when it comes to portable devices, you’ll need a power source you can carry in your pocket.

That’s why a portable power station is a wise choice. The best portable power stations can charge up to 3 devices at once. If your power station has a bright flashlight and an SOS flasher, even better.

Solar Cooker

No matter what happens, you need a reliable way to feed your family. That means having a reliable solution for cooking food. A solar cooker lets you prepare food without power.

Plus, portable solar cookers are easy to take with you anywhere. That makes them the perfect option for using on the go. They’re exactly what you need to cook meals without batteries, cords, or electricity.

Solar Powered Emergency Radio

Trustworthy information and regular updates are key to informed decision making. But if communication systems are down or jammed, how will you get the updates you need?

A solar powered emergency radio is a key element of any survival kit. You’ll have 24/7 coverage, even when the power is out. Plus, you can stash these small radios wherever you might need them. That way, you’ll always have an excellent option at hand.

About 4Patriots

How will you respond to the unexpected? Power outages, severe weather, and natural disasters can have devastating effects. Do you have what you need to keep your family safe during a crisis? Emergency gear from 4Patriots has your back. Every product from 4Patriots comes with a 365-day, 100% money back guarantee. Plus, 4Patriots is a family-owned company. Their mission is to champion self-reliance and independence. You can’t predict the future. But you can stock up on survival food, solar-powered products, and more from 4Patriots. It’s exactly what you need to get through any emergency. Keep your essential medical devices and appliances running with a solar powered generator. Charge your phone on the go with a portable power station. From air and water purification to bug-out kits, 4Patriots has all your needs covered.

Explore the solar-powered survival solutions from 4Patriots at https://4patriots.com/

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