5 Features Your Emergency Food Kits Should Have

When disaster strikes, you need to know how you’ll feed your family. Grocery stores aren’t accessible in a hurricane. Your own food supply can go bad during a power outage. That’s why survival food kits are so important. But what do you need?

Survival Food Kits

Here is a short checklist to help you find the best survival food for your family. Check all these boxes, and you’re ready to keep them safe.

A Long Shelf Life

You never know when an emergency will occur. It could be tomorrow. It could be 10 years from now. The best food kits don’t just keep you prepared for a few months. They’re by your side for years.

The shelf life of your emergency food kits should last up to 25 years in proper conditions. They should also be dehydrated and oxygen-free for an extra-long shelf life. The longer the food is viable, the more peace of mind you have. You won’t have to rotate out your food every year. Instead, you can focus on adding to your other survival gear.

Disaster-Proof Packaging

The packaging of your survival food is almost as important as the food itself. This food is there to help you survive emergencies. It only makes sense that the packages should survive the disaster as well. You don’t want to find spoiled food when you need it most.

The packaging should be made of protective materials like triple-layer Mylar. This keeps air, light, and moisture out. Mylar also protects your food from pests.

Finally, keep the individual packages in a water-resistant tote that’s easy to store. Choose a container that protects against air, water, and hungry critters. When the time comes, you can confidently open your food kits, knowing they’re ready to go.

Delicious Recipes

Keeping your family fed is only the first part of the survival food equation. Another piece to the puzzle is keeping morale high. Eating grey mush isn’t exactly the best way to boost everyone’s mood in an emergency. Your food kits should contain delicious and diverse recipes.

From mac and cheese to hearty stews, there are a lot of options. You can even find sweet treats like pudding and banana chips. Search for food kits that taste so good it feels like an everyday homecooked meal. Maybe even better.

Enough Food for Your Whole Family

It’s vital to calculate how much food you need before an emergency. You don’t want to ration out 1 serving at a time when everyone is worried. Instead, keep enough food on-hand for everyone. If 3 months of food is your goal, get a 3-month kit for every person. The amount of food can vary for each person. Consider factors like how old everyone is and how much energy they need daily.

An Easy Way to Prepare

Finally, your survival food should be easy to prepare. Some kits are good to go right out of the package. Ready-to-eat bars are always a good choice between meals.

But, if you need to cook your food, make sure the process is simple. Something as easy as boiling water should be all you have to do. You can even do it during a power outage with a generator with solar panel charging. All you need with your generator is a hot plate and a pot of water. It’s easy enough that even the teens in your family can help prepare the food.

Once you find survival food that checks all these boxes, you know you’re ready to keep your family safe.

About 4Patriots

Emergencies can happen in the blink of an eye. There’s no predicting them. But with 4Patriots, you can be prepared for anything. Start by protecting your family with their top-notch survival gear. Allen and Erin Baler started 4Patriots at their kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee. Their goal: to give everyday people the tools they need to survive any crisis. Now, their team has grown to 175 employees. Their selection of gear has grown, too. 4Patriots has a wide variety of products to optimize your preparedness. Their emergency food kits can last on your pantry shelves for up to 25 years. Plus, a solar generator can power important devices in a blackout. 4Patriots gear is there for you when you need it most.

Prepare for emergencies with survival food that checks every box from https://4patriots.com/

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