Fun Activities That Teach Kids How to Use Survival Gear

In an emergency situation, it’s all hands on deck. That includes your children. They need to be comfortable and confident handling survival gear. To help them get there, it’s important to practice. With kids, the more fun practicing with a solar generator is, the more willing they are to learn. Here are 4 ways to have fun and teach your kids about preparedness at the same time.

Survival Food Kits

Put Them in Charge of a Survival Food Kit Meal

In a natural disaster or other emergency scenario, your family needs food. Survival food kits are a great way to keep your family fed when you can’t get to the grocery store. They are simple to prepare, meaning kids can help. Making sure they learn before the stress of a survival situation is most important.

A family dinner is a great way to teach your little ones how to prepare survival food. They can even be in charge. The best emergency food kits only take 3 steps to fix up. They include boiling water, simmering the packet contents, and serving the meal. Your older kids can work the stovetop. Younger children can help with pouring the food packs and serving the dinner.

In the end, you’ll have a fun and delicious meal together. Plus, your kids will gain valuable experience with emergency food preparation.

Have Them Help Set Up an Outdoor Movie Night

How does an outdoor movie relate to survival? Well, the film might not be directly related unless you choose an earthquake or tornado movie. But the equipment you use to power your movie night is.

A generator with solar panel charging is a great way to set up your outdoor movie night. Not only is it silent, but it’s portable and doesn’t produce gas fumes. Hook up your lights, projector, or speakers for a memorable summer night.

The added benefit is that your kids will be excited to learn how to operate the generator. If it means they get to watch a movie outside, they’ll be excited. Teach them how to turn the generator on and how to hook up devices. Also, before you start the movie, show them the ropes of charging with the solar panel.

With a bit of practice, they’ll have the skills and knowledge to use the generator in an emergency.

Set Up a Treasure Hunt That Uses a Multi-Function Flashlight

Treasure hunts are not only fun, but they can help your family prepare for an emergency.

When setting up the treasure hunt, set up clues that require your kids to use survival gear. A multi-function survival flashlight is a practical option.

The first clue can lead them to search your dark garage with the LED light. The second clue can require following directions with the compass on the flashlight. The next step can be signaling SOS with the emergency feature.

Once your kids finish, they’ll feel comfortable with every flashlight function.

Build a Lemonade Stand with a Solar Fridge

Learning survival and entrepreneurial skills at the same time? It’s possible.

A lemonade business is a traditional way for kids to learn business skills. Adding a solar fridge to the equation helps develop their emergency survival skills. A solar fridge can keep food, drinks, and medicine cold without ice. It’s a blackout-proof backup fridge.

But it’s also great for keeping ice, lemons, and water cool in the summer sun. Your kids can gain confidence by using the survival equipment. Plus, they can save the money they make from the lemonade stand.

Just because emergency survival situations aren’t fun doesn’t mean preparation can’t be. Fun activities like this are sure to stick in your kid’s memory.

About 4Patriots

Emergencies can happen at any time. With survival gear from 4Patriots, you can stay prepared for any situation. It’s the best place to find the supplies you need to keep your loved ones safe. Allen and Erin Baler started 4Patriots at their kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee. They wanted to give people reliable gear to prepare for emergencies. Now, they’ve been helping families enjoy more freedom and self-reliance for over 15 years. You can always expect practical and innovative survival solutions from 4Patriots. 4Patriots has all the essentials, from solar generators to emergency food kits. Their gear keeps you prepared for any situation and gives you the peace of mind you deserve.

Find the best gear to practice for survival situations at

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