How Young Families Can Prepare for Spring Storms

Spring showers might seem harmless. But they can quickly take a turn for the worse. As a young family, it’s important that you take steps to keep everyone safe. You might need to do extra preparation for the little ones, but it’s worth it. You’ll need to keep entertainment options running with a generator with solar panel charging and stock up on plenty of tasty survival food. Here’s everything you need to do to keep your family safe during the spring storm season.

Survival Food Kits

Ensure Your Survival Food Is Tasty

You like good food. Your kids like good food too. Your survival food kits shouldn’t be full of flavorless gray mush.

What if a spring storm floods the road to the grocery store? Or the power could go out and cause your food to spoil. In either case, you’ll be glad you have tasty food kits and bars on hand.

Look for recipes that your little ones will love. It might be mac and cheese, buttermilk pancakes, sweet oatmeal, or even vanilla pudding. That way, the whole family will have plenty of good food during the storm.

Provide Entertainment for Your Little Ones

Kids get bored easily. You might enjoy watching the storm out the window. But if power gets knocked out, your little ones are sure to get antsy.

Read stories to them with help from a solar flashlight. Or use a solar generator to charge their tablets and a portable DVD player. Pack a box full of board games. When the elements keep you inside, you can spend hours bonding and playing games together.

Protect Important Documents

As a young family, you’ve just started building up your collection of important documents. They might include birth certificates and your marriage license. Or it could be insurance info or medical records.

But spring storms bring lots of water. Important documents don’t like getting wet. So you need to keep them in a safe location.

Whether this is up high, in a water-tight protective case, or even in a waterproof safe is up to you. Just double check there are no leaks nearby. When the storm passes, your documents will be 1 less thing to worry about.

Fill Go Bags for Every Family Member

If a spring storm takes a turn for the worse and forces you out of your home, you need to be ready. By yourself, it’s manageable to pack a bag at a moment’s notice. But with a young family to take care of, there’s a lot more to consider.

That’s why your go bags should be ready and packed in advance.

Put emergency food bars, a solar flashlight, a change of clothes, first aid supplies, and emergency phone numbers in every bag. For your little ones, add a soft blanket, a stuffed animal, or a book they love. Comfort can help them stay calm.

With the right supplies, it’s easy to grab and go. When you need to evacuate, everyone will have what they need.

Practice with Your Children

Finally, this 1 of the most important tips. Practice your spring storm emergency plan with your kids. You can even make it a fun game activity to spark their interest and imagination.

Spend a few hours pretending there’s a storm when there isn’t. Quiz them on what to do in certain situations. Make them show you where all your survival gear is stored. That way, when the actual spring storms come, they’ll be ready.

About 4Patriots

You never know when an emergency will happen. Thankfully, 4Patriots can help you prepare for anything. They offer everything you need to keep your family safe. Erin and Allen Baler founded 4Patriots at their kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee. Their goal was to give everyday people the gear they needed to prepare for real emergencies. 15 years later, they employ over 200 people. Their innovative survival gear gives you peace of mind in any situation. Whether you need emergency food kits or a solar generator, 4Patriots has you covered. From blackouts to blizzards, you’ll be ready. Start your preparation journey today, so you can be safe tomorrow.

Spring into action and get ready for storms with gear from

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