Stay Safe and Comfy During a Big Spring Storm with these 6 Prep Tips

Spring brings green and growing life back to the world. Unfortunately, it can also bring big, dangerous storms. It’s always important to keep your family safe during severe weather. Part of that includes staying comfortable and being safe throughout the storm. From cleaning your property to investing in premium survival gear, here are some tips to consider.

Survival Gear

Clean Up Your Property

Cleaning up your property is a must before major spring storms. That means cutting dead limbs off trees, cleaning gutters to prevent blockages, and securing outdoor furniture. Doing these things ahead of time can help minimize any potential damage to your home or neighboring properties.

Stock Up on Survival Food and Water

There are 3 must-haves for major storms. Shelter is the first, and food and water are the other 2. Stock up on long-lasting emergency food kits. Be sure you have enough water for your family. You should have 1 gallon per person per day. Try to have enough food and water for at least 3 days, but you can never have too much. Big spring storms can also taint drinking water. That makes water filtration equipment a good idea.

Make an Emergency Kit

Emergency supply food, water, and filtration can all be part of an emergency kit. These are a few other essentials to include in your kit:

• Blankets

• Cell phone chargers and power banks

• Cash

• Candles

• Batteries in all common sizes

• Flashlight

• First-aid kit

• Medications

• Solar powered radio.

Prepare for a Blackout

Big storms can knock out power. It’s also common for a blackout to outlast the storm itself. That’s why you should have reliable battery or solar powered flashlights. Additionally, consider other solar powered gear, such as radios and cell phone chargers. A lot of survival food requires boiled water, so look into picking up a solar powered kettle. This item is super useful and comes in handy on camping trips or in everyday life.

Have a Family Emergency Plan

Making an emergency family plan is critical. Storms can hit when family members are away. Adults may be at work, and kids may be at school. Have a plan for contacting each other. Have a place to meet if communication is a problem. Make sure that everyone in the family knows what to do.

Remember to Prepare Pets Too

Pets are part of the family too! They need food and water like the rest of the family. Put aside an emergency supply of pet food. Be sure you have enough clean water for all pets. Do your pets have any medications? Ensure that both pets and people have the medications they need for a spring storm.

About 4Patriots

The 4Patriots story started at a kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee, back in 2008. Co-founders Erin and Allen Baler set out to create a company that actually helps people. Their vision: providing families with solutions to becoming more self-reliant. So, they used their savings to get 4Patriots off the ground. Then, they used the profits to continue investing in their dream. Now, they’ve built a brand millions of Americans trust. 4Patriots helps their customers become more self-reliant and prepared every day. With over 200 full-time employees and counting, the 4Patriots family continues to grow. Best of all, they support organizations that champion American veterans and their families.

Prepare for spring storms and any emergencies your family might face at

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