
Are Solar Power Generators the Right Option for Emergencies?

Is there anything more reliable than the sun? It rises, shines bright, and sets every day. What if you could harness the power of the sun right at home? You can, thanks to a solar powered generator . With this kind of generator, you can rely on the sun during an emergency like a power outage. It’s also an excellent option whenever you need power but don’t have a reliable source. Portable Power Station If you’re on the fence about getting a solar generator or you’ve just started to look into them, you’re in the right spot. Solar powered generators are a game-changer. They’re useful in all kinds of situations, and they’re easy to store, use, and recharge. Here are a few more reasons why it’s time to go solar for your backup power plan. The Sun Keeps You Powered When you have a generator that’s charged with a solar panel, it can harness the power you need whenever the sun’s out. You don’t have to worry about a tank of gas for fuel. In an emergency, you might be cut off from access to yo

4 Survival Gear Options You’ll Want in 2024

Get ready for the New Year by being prepared. Survival and emergency gear have come a long way over the years. Going into 2024, you can get your hands on the latest products. You might be buying emergency gear for the first time. Or maybe you’re thinking about upgrading older gear. Either way, now is an excellent time to do it. Portable Power Station By getting ready for the year ahead, you’ll have less to worry about. In the event you need to use your gear, it’s ready to go. Rely on a portable power station with solar cells to keep your devices ready even when power fails. Keep a solar cooker in storage so you can cook survival meals and stay fed in an emergency. Here are 4 survival must-haves you’ll want this year. A Portable Solar Generator Solar is in. More people have added solar power to their homes. Now, they’re adding solar to their emergency kits. Why go solar? The sun is always there! Yes, there are cloudy days, but even with clouds, you can rely on a portable solar genera

3 Reasons to Keep Emergency Food and Gear On-Hand in the New Year

It’s a new year, and there’s a lot to look forward to. The start of every new year is a good time to take stock of what matters most to you. It’s the perfect opportunity to plan and prepare. You may have big plans in the coming months. Maybe it’s time to build that new deck or you have a family vacation in mind. Survival Food With all your planning for the upcoming year, have you accounted for the unexpected? Life has a way of throwing curve balls. You can plan and plan, but there are times when something happens you didn’t expect. It could be a major storm or an extended power outage. These are reasons enough to keep survival food and gear on hand. As you plan for the coming year, be sure to plan for the unexpected, too. Be Ready for Storms, Floods, and More Natural disasters can happen anywhere. It’s easy to forget sometimes. You may live in an area where big storms, floods, and other natural disasters are rare. Still, these things can pop up unannounced. They can cut you off from

How to Prepare Your Family for a Week-Long Blizzard

A few inches of snow won’t impact your daily routine. But if the snow piles up for a week or more, a blizzard can become an emergency. If you prepare now, you can keep your family safe in these situations. When the snow keeps you in your house and possibly knocks out the power, you’ll be glad you have a plan in place. From using a solar generator to staying up-to-date on news reports, here’s what you can do to keep your family safe. Survival Food Use a Solar Generator in Case of Power Outages Blizzards can trap you inside and create a power outage at the same time. To prepare for this possibility, keep a solar panel generator on hand. When the power goes out, there are a lot of things you need to keep running. Medical devices, lights, phones, and heated blankets are just a few examples. Thankfully, a solar powered generator can do it all. Best of all, you won’t have to fight the blizzard to get gas. All you need to do is set up a solar panel and let the sun do the rest. Even in clo

6 Survival Items That Are Winter-Camping Necessities

Winter camping brings unique challenges you don’t get during the summer. It can be the snow, cold, or short days. Regardless, you need to be prepared for anything. With the right survival gear , you can ensure your winter camping trip goes smoothly. Emergency preparedness gear is designed to keep you safe in the toughest conditions. And when you sleep under the stars with snow falling around you, these 6 survival items are must-haves. Emergency Supply Food A Portable Solar Generator First and foremost, you need a reliable source of power. And a portable solar generator is the perfect solution for a winter camping trip. Instead of bringing gas on your trip, you can opt for a solar panel and a fully charged generator. Then, you can use the generator to power space heaters, hot plates, and lights. Because it is fume-free, you can use it in an RV or tent. Plus, it’s easy to start up, which makes it a lifesaver when your hands are cold. Quick-Preparation Food Kits A warm meal might not

How to Help Your Family Members Get Interested in Emergency Preparedness

You know how important emergency preparedness is. Now, it’s time to share the knowledge and readiness with your family. You could be talking to aunts and uncles at a holiday dinner. Or you could just want to get your siblings ready for emergencies. Either way, it’s important to help your loved ones stay safe. With the right tips, you can share the importance of gear like survival food kits and generators. Here are a few strategies for getting your family interested in emergency preparedness. Survival Food Kits Cook Some of Your Emergency Food for Dinner A common misconception is that survival food is bland. Your family members might picture grey mush out of a can. With the holidays coming up, it’s a great time to show them how good survival food can be. The best survival food kits include delicious recipes that you love to eat. When they come over for dinner, you can cook up some homestyle chili, mac & cheese, or stroganoff. When they compliment your cooking, just show them the

How to Prepare Your Survival Gear for Long-Term Storage

You might be thinking about storing your survival gear somewhere safe for winter. Or you could be in the process of moving and need to keep it somewhere for the time being. Either way, it’s important that you take the proper precautions. Long-term storage can affect your gear if you’re not careful. Emergency Food Kits From avoiding moisture and sunlight to considering pest defense, here’s how to keep your emergency gear safe in long-term storage. Always Keep Your Survival Gear Accessible First and foremost, it’s essential to always keep your gear somewhere you can easily access it. Hard-to-reach gear is not ideal during an emergency. You don’t want to dig through boxes in the attic. And you don’t want to have to drive to a storage center. As a rule of thumb, your gear should be accessible in under an hour. But the faster, the better. As a solution, you might choose a dedicated closet or shelf for preparedness gear. Or, at the very least, have a plan and path to access your supplies