
Showing posts with the label survival meal kits

What Should Be in Your Emergency “Go Bag”?

If your family had to evacuate tomorrow, would you be prepared? We all hope emergencies never happen, but they are a part of life. Severe weather could cause you to evacuate your home. A house fire could displace your family. Flooding in your area could cause you to seek shelter far from home. If any of these things happen, your emergency Go Bag is essential. Portable Power Station Some call it a disaster preparedness kit. Some call it a get-out-of-dodge (or G.O.O.D) bag. Whatever you call it, your grab-and-go survival kit is important. You never know when an emergency could happen. This bag should be packed and ready to go at all times. To keep your family safe, make sure your Go Bag has these 4 essentials. A Food Source If you are evacuating due to weather, you may seek shelter at a community refuge point, like a church or school. Food can be scarce in emergency situations. Keep emergency food bars in your Go Bag so your family doesn’t have to rely on the kindness of