
Showing posts with the label solar powered generator

3 Summer Trips That Can Boost Your Family’s Independence

Summer is a great time to spend quality time with your family. The kids are out of school, the days are long and sunny, and you have more time to make cherished memories together. Survival Food Strong families are an important part of a healthy community. When your family is strong, you can prepare for anything together. This summer, strengthen your family with 3 fun trips that teach important life and survival skills. Cook Up a Camping Trip A family camping trip is a great way to bond while practicing life skills. You can teach your kids how to make a fire. Your family can practice constructing a shelter. Even packing for a camping trip is a teachable moment since camping essentials are similar to the items in a disaster preparedness kit. Food always seems to taste better after spending a day in the wilderness. Once camp is set up, the fire is built, and the stars are coming out, it’s time to cook dinner together. Survival food is a great, easy way to prepare a tasty

How to Prepare Your Family for a Week-Long Blizzard

A few inches of snow won’t impact your daily routine. But if the snow piles up for a week or more, a blizzard can become an emergency. If you prepare now, you can keep your family safe in these situations. When the snow keeps you in your house and possibly knocks out the power, you’ll be glad you have a plan in place. From using a solar generator to staying up-to-date on news reports, here’s what you can do to keep your family safe. Survival Food Use a Solar Generator in Case of Power Outages Blizzards can trap you inside and create a power outage at the same time. To prepare for this possibility, keep a solar panel generator on hand. When the power goes out, there are a lot of things you need to keep running. Medical devices, lights, phones, and heated blankets are just a few examples. Thankfully, a solar powered generator can do it all. Best of all, you won’t have to fight the blizzard to get gas. All you need to do is set up a solar panel and let the sun do the rest. Even in clo

5 Pieces of Survival Gear You Need for Cold-Weather RV Camping

Winter is just around the corner. Just because the weather has cooled down doesn’t mean you must stay home. Winter camping can be a ton of fun as long as you have the right gear. You'll be ready for anything with a portable generator with solar panel attachments, survival food, and more. Here are the pieces of survival gear you need for a successful RV camping trip this winter. Solar Generator Warm Clothes and Sleeping Bag First, you must prepare your body for the cold weather. That means bringing plenty of warm clothes and blankets, even though you’ll be sleeping in your RV. This way, you can make sure you get to enjoy the outdoors. A good pair of gloves is the most essential piece of clothing to bring during cold-weather camping. Don’t forget about having plenty of warm wool socks too! Fire Starters A fire is a must for winter camping. You need it for warmth and possibly for cooking. But starting a fire in wet and cold conditions isn’t always easy. You’ll want a weatherproof

How to Stay Warm When the Power Goes Out

Summer power outages are 1 thing. But, in the winter, a power outage brings a lot of challenges. The main 1 is temperature. Without heating, your home can get dangerously cold. To keep your family safe, you need to stay warm. Solar Generator There are several different ways to beat the cold. It could be using a solar generator to run a space heater or using a lot of blankets. Here are 5 strategies for staying warm in a winter power outage. Use a Solar Generator to Power a Space Heater A space heater can help provide warmth for a room or two when central heating fails. Without power, it won’t run, though. That’s why a generator with solar panel charging is so important. In a blackout, a solar generator gives you much-needed power. A generator with 2,000 watts of power can power hot plates, space heaters, microwaves, and lights. It’s the backup you need when regular heating solutions don’t work. Run a space heater for a few hours to warm up a room, then plug in your hot plate to coo

A Checklist for Finding the Best Solar Generator

A solar generator is a valuable tool in your preparedness arsenal. It can power essential devices in a blackout. Or you can bring it along on a camping trip. Solar generators cut out the need for gas. All you need is the free and endless power of the sun. Solar Generator But how do you find the best option? This checklist can help you find a generator that meets all the most important criteria. Power for All Your Needs First, you want to make sure your generator provides the power you need. If you only need to charge a phone and run a few LED lights, a 300-watt capacity can check this box. To run a full-size fridge, CPAP machine, or even a television, 2,000 watts might be what you need. It’s essential to find the right amount of power output. You don’t want to experience a power outage and be unable to run your most important devices. Double-check all your machines and see how many watts they need to run. Then, match that with the right generator. Easy Operation Your solar gener

How to Handle Cloudy Days with Your Solar Generator

When the grid fails or a natural disaster cuts off your power, you’ll be glad you have a solar generator . But what happens when the clouds roll in? Are you out of both luck and electricity? Not necessarily. With the right preparation, even these cloudy days can’t rain on your parade. You can still run your critical devices. Here is a breakdown of everything you need to know to get through cloudy days with your solar generator. Solar Generator Charge Your Generator Before the Power Goes Out This step is important for many different reasons. The best generator with solar panel charging also features cord charging. That way, you can keep it charged before the power goes out. If the grid fails on a cloudy day, you’ll be glad you prepared beforehand. Set up a schedule. Maybe once a month, check the charge of your generator and charge it as necessary. Keep Extra Batteries on Hand No, not AA batteries. If you’re powering a fridge or portable stove, you run through charge fast. If you

Are You Prepared for the 3 Most Common Emergency Scenarios?

When it comes to protecting your family, you try to be ready for anything. But the truth is, with so many threats at home and abroad, it’s impossible to prepare for every type of crisis. But you can’t afford to sit by, either. So, what’s the best approach to planning for emergencies? Identify the most likely scenarios and prepare for them. Solar Generator When evaluating the likelihood of something going wrong, consider a variety of factors, including your location. After all, people living in New York City don’t need to focus on a wildfire response plan. Meanwhile, Kansas residents don’t really need to consider tsunami preparations. Here’s a list of events worth planning for, regardless of where you live. There’s a decent chance that any 1 of the disasters on this list could impact the average American family. Natural Disasters When evaluating what natural disaster might impact your family, consider geography. Wildfires and flooding are genuine threats in much of the western United

4 Everyday Habits That Can Keep You Safe in an Emergency

Emergency preparedness isn’t achieved in 1 day. Just like any long-term goal, it requires consistency. The more you work towards it, the better prepared you will be. When a power outage or flood happens, you’ll be glad you made an effort. On top of buying survival food and getting a solar generator, there are some daily habits that can help you face a crisis with confidence. These are simple habits that can be essential in an emergency. Start these four habits today, and you’ll thank yourself tomorrow. Solar Panel Generator Keep Your Devices Charged You are probably already in this habit with your phone. If you’re like most, you watch the battery indicator, so you know when to charge it. That way, the phone doesn’t die when you need it most. So, extend this habit to include some of your other critical devices that you might not use regularly. If you have a mini generator, check up on its charge consistently. Solar flashlights are another device that you should monitor. If you have a