
Showing posts with the label solar generator panel

Why You Should Buy Emergency Gear Now

Extreme weather events like wildfires, intense snowstorms, and tornadoes are becoming more common. Events like these can lead to power outages and more. If you aren’t prepared, you might worry about how you’ll respond. But staying prepared for emergencies doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s why you should buy your emergency gear and survival food kits ahead of time. Survival Food Immediate Access to Supplies Weather events like snowstorms and hurricanes often cause power lines to go down. If you rely on the grid, your power might be out for longer than you expect. A generator with solar panel attachments allows you to keep your essential appliances and devices running. With a reliable backup power source, you’re always ready for unexpected power loss. Peace of Mind Emergency plans and supplies also give you peace of mind. You won’t have to wonder when the power will come back on or if the food in your fridge will go bad. With immediate access to supplies you can coun...

Are You Prepared for Severe Weather Season? 3 Important Questions

When you see a snowstorm in the forecast, do you think of skiing at your favorite resort? Do you and your family love watching distant lightning storms from your window? Do you love curling up with a book on a rainy day? There are plenty of reasons to enjoy less-common weather events. But severe weather can be dangerous. Preparing for unexpected, intense weather can help you stay safe. A solar powered generator can power your important devices during a storm. Emergency food can feed your family during storms. Here are 3 questions to ask and the answers to get you through it all.  What Is Severe Weather? Severe weather is a weather event that can cause widespread damage. High winds can damage structures. Heavy rain can cause flooding. Lightning can spark fires. Even droughts can lead to wildfires. What type of severe weather you’re most likely to face depends on where you live. Flat midwestern states see more tornados. Mountainous states might get more severe thund...

Moving to a Colder State? 4 Tips to Prepare for Your First Fall

Are you finally moving out of the city? Is your family relocating to a smaller town? Living in a more rural area might be just what your family needs. Are you heading to a state with a colder climate? Experiencing all 4 seasons throughout the year is incredible. Fall and winter are beautiful. There’s a lot to love about these chilly months. However, colder weather and shorter days present some challenges. The right tips and survival gear can help you prepare for seasonal weather. Here are 4 tips to help you prepare for your first fall in a new climate. Make a Power Outage Plan Losing power in cold weather is different from warm weather outages. Establish a power outage plan for the fall so your family can be prepared for anything. Warm blankets, extra layers, and gathering in an interior room can help your family stay warm. Closing blinds and curtains can also help trap heat. Most importantly, prepare for power outages with a backup power source. Find a solar powered generator that...

Fun and Practical: 4 Types of Survival Gear for Autumn Adventures

Are you a football fan? Do you love camping? Does your family love outdoor events? If so, you probably love fall. This time of year is full of fun. Fall is also a great season to put your survival and camping gear to use. The days are shorter. The weather is cooler. And the right survival gear can help you make the most of fall events. Plus, there’s a benefit to using your gear in everyday situations. Becoming familiar with your gear now helps you feel prepared for an actual emergency. Set up your portable solar generator on a camping trip. The more times you do, the easier it is during a real power outage. With that in mind, here are 4 types of survival gear that are perfect for fall events or emergencies. Stackable Storage Bins If you want to use your survival gear more often, organization is important. Your emergency supplies are only useful if you know where to find them. Your bug-out bags only work in a pinch if they’re easily accessible. Luckily, the right storage setup can he...

What Are the 5 Phases of Disaster Preparedness?

Are you passionate about independence? Do you value being ready for anything? Would you rather be overprepared than caught off guard? If so, you’re probably familiar with the 5 phases of disaster preparedness. These 5 phases focus on big-picture preparedness. They answer questions like: How will a town recover from a natural disaster? Are there helpful local resources for families in need? But you can use these 5 steps to strengthen your individual preparedness. Here’s everything you need to know about the 5 steps of disaster preparedness. 1. Prevention The best offense is a good defense. This definitely applies to emergency preparedness. Not every emergency or disaster can be prevented. However, you can take measures to lower your household’s risk of emergencies. Think about daily habits. Do you clean your dryer’s lint trap? Dryers are a common source of house fires. Do you prune large branches that hang over your home? If it’s been a while, grab your shears and get out there. Th...

5 Pieces of Survival Gear for Peace of Mind During Fire Season

Fire season can be scary. Dry grass and thunderstorms can suddenly mean thousands of acres of flames. You can prepare yourself and your family for fires with the right survival gear. From a portable solar generator to an emergency radio, the right tools make a big difference. To keep your family safe throughout fire season, here are 5 essentials to add to your survival setup. Water Bricks Water Bricks Fires can put a lot of strain on water systems. Firefighters need water to fight the fire. Your family could find that the tap no longer works. It’s essential to have enough water on hand to make it through an unexpected crisis. Water bricks can help you store water efficiently. Find a design that holds 4 days of water. You can even use them to build a functional coffee table if you’re low on space. That way, you’ll always have water ready. Search for water bricks that are easy to transport if you need to evacuate. When a fire is raging nearby, it’s the best way to ensure your family ...

Don’t Let Your Emergency Plan Spring a Leak: 4 Water Storage Questions

In an emergency, you need access to clean, drinkable water. Otherwise, how will you stay hydrated? How will you cook your survival food? How will you stay clean and healthy? All these important tasks require good ol’ H2O. Water Bricks Preparing for an emergency requires more than a few stored gallons of water. Check out these 4 water-related questions to improve your emergency plan. Is Your Water Stored Properly? Your emergency water supply should always be ready to go. You need to act fast in an emergency. Use some strategy to store and organize your survival gear, including water. It can help you save precious time. Make sure that your emergency water is: Easily accessible Clearly labeled Stored away from direct sunlight Far from cleaning products or chemicals Tightly sealed Is Your Water Portable? Portable emergency supplies are essential. Opt for easy-to-transport gear. A portable solar generator that only weighs 40 pounds is the optimal way to stay ready for anythin...

4 Reasons It’s Time to Upgrade to a Solar Generator

Every independent household needs a generator. You don’t have to rely on the power grid when you have your own power source. What if there’s an unexpected power outage? How will you keep important devices or equipment running? Access to electricity is essential for keeping your family safe. Portable Power Station However, a bulky or outdated generator is not your best option. You can be a champion of self-reliance by upgrading your generator. A solar generator has benefits that a traditional generator can’t match. Here are 4 reasons to upgrade to a solar generator. Cost of Fuel Does your generator rely on diesel, propane, natural gas, or gasoline? This kind of fuel isn’t cheap. Prices for typical generator fuel will likely continue to rise. Plus, it may be scarce in an emergency. What good is a generator you can’t run? Luckily, a solar powered generator uses energy from the sun. You won’t have to worry about rising gas prices or fuel scarcity. Reliable solar generators...