
Showing posts with the label emerency survival food

A Safer Winter Starts in the Fall: 4 Ways to Prepare

Fall is finally here. Trees are shedding their leaves. Squirrels are busy burying acorns. Birds are migrating south. Rabbits are rushing around, making burrows. There’s a reason the world seems so active during this season. What we do in the fall determines how ready we are for winter. Your home is better insulated than the average rabbit den. But you can still prepare ahead of time to keep your loved ones safe and comfortable during the winter. Here are 4 preparedness measures to take this fall to enjoy a safe winter. Stock Up on Supplies You don’t have to start harvesting and burying acorns. But you can stock up on essential supplies before winter. During the winter, you might want to stay off the roads any more than necessary. When you have emergency supplies, you can avoid dangerous winter roads. If a severe storm hits, your family can stay prepared for anything. Stock up on survival food . Be sure to keep emergency drinking water on hand, too. If you have a wood-burning firep