
How to Help Elderly Family Members Prepare for Emergencies

Did your parents teach you to be independent? Did your grandparents teach you skills that made you self-reliant? You might have great memories of fishing trips with your great-uncle. Your aunt may have taught you how to mend clothes. Solar Generator Older generations can teach us important life lessons and help us become more independent. As your family members age, it’s your turn to repay the favor. Elderly loved ones may face different challenges during an emergency. Here are 4 ways to help your elderly loved ones prepare for emergencies. Have a Back-Up Power Source Elderly family members may rely on electricity more than we realize and a power outage can be dangerous. Do your loved ones need power for their personal medical equipment? Do they need to refrigerate their medication? A loss of power for seniors is more than inconvenient, it can be potentially life-endangering. There are many reasons older generations need access to power. In an emergency, a solar powered

4 Ways to Prepare For Sudden Summer Power Outages

Power outages are more common during the peak of summer or winter. Extreme temperatures put more strain on the power grid, causing more power failures. Make sure your loved ones are safe if you lose power during the hot months. Here are 4 tips for preparing for a summer power outage. Portable Power Station Worry Less with More Water Staying hydrated is vital, especially during heat waves. During a summer power outage, you may experience higher temperatures. Overheating and dehydration go hand in hand, so make sure your family has a good water supply. To stay safe and hydated, always keep at least a 3-day supply of water in your home. If a blackout lasts for more than a day, it could affect your town’s water tower. Fill up your bathtub with water in case the power outage lasts for a long time. Keep Things Running Although it may be hard to believe, the hot summer sun can be good for something during a blackout! A solar generator can harness free, limitless energy from

What Should Be in Your Emergency “Go Bag”?

If your family had to evacuate tomorrow, would you be prepared? We all hope emergencies never happen, but they are a part of life. Severe weather could cause you to evacuate your home. A house fire could displace your family. Flooding in your area could cause you to seek shelter far from home. If any of these things happen, your emergency Go Bag is essential. Portable Power Station Some call it a disaster preparedness kit. Some call it a get-out-of-dodge (or G.O.O.D) bag. Whatever you call it, your grab-and-go survival kit is important. You never know when an emergency could happen. This bag should be packed and ready to go at all times. To keep your family safe, make sure your Go Bag has these 4 essentials. A Food Source If you are evacuating due to weather, you may seek shelter at a community refuge point, like a church or school. Food can be scarce in emergency situations. Keep emergency food bars in your Go Bag so your family doesn’t have to rely on the kindness of

3 Summer Trips That Can Boost Your Family’s Independence

Summer is a great time to spend quality time with your family. The kids are out of school, the days are long and sunny, and you have more time to make cherished memories together. Survival Food Strong families are an important part of a healthy community. When your family is strong, you can prepare for anything together. This summer, strengthen your family with 3 fun trips that teach important life and survival skills. Cook Up a Camping Trip A family camping trip is a great way to bond while practicing life skills. You can teach your kids how to make a fire. Your family can practice constructing a shelter. Even packing for a camping trip is a teachable moment since camping essentials are similar to the items in a disaster preparedness kit. Food always seems to taste better after spending a day in the wilderness. Once camp is set up, the fire is built, and the stars are coming out, it’s time to cook dinner together. Survival food is a great, easy way to prepare a tasty

How to Start Living Off the Grid with Solar Panel Technology

When you think about ultimate self-reliance, what comes to mind? Living off the grid means your home doesn’t depend on conventional utility sources. But getting off the grid takes lots of planning and preparation. Solar Generator An excellent way to start living off the grid is to find a reliable alternative power source. You don’t have to worry about outages and faulty power lines when you don’t depend on the mainline power grid. Here are 3 ways to start living off the grid with solar energy. Why Go Off the Grid? Energy demands are rising every year. The power grid is struggling to keep up. With a self-reliant source of power, you can enjoy peace of mind. Solar energy is a great option. You won’t have to worry about fuel shortages when you harness free energy from the sun. Start Small Think about all the devices you use every day. Your television updates you on important news. Your smartphone helps you stay in touch with loved ones. Plus, your kitchen is full of appl

4 Reasons It’s Time to Upgrade to a Solar Generator

Every independent household needs a generator. You don’t have to rely on the power grid when you have your own power source. What if there’s an unexpected power outage? How will you keep important devices or equipment running? Access to electricity is essential for keeping your family safe. Portable Power Station However, a bulky or outdated generator is not your best option. You can be a champion of self-reliance by upgrading your generator. A solar generator has benefits that a traditional generator can’t match. Here are 4 reasons to upgrade to a solar generator. Cost of Fuel Does your generator rely on diesel, propane, natural gas, or gasoline? This kind of fuel isn’t cheap. Prices for typical generator fuel will likely continue to rise. Plus, it may be scarce in an emergency. What good is a generator you can’t run? Luckily, a solar powered generator uses energy from the sun. You won’t have to worry about rising gas prices or fuel scarcity. Reliable solar generators

4 Survival Gear Essentials to Bring on Your Summer Road Trip

Are you hitting the road this summer? Road trips are a great way to travel and see new places. If you have a big family, a road trip may be the best way for everyone to travel together. Emergency Food Create lasting memories this summer with a fun, adventure-packed road trip. For a safe road trip experience, bring these 4 essential pieces of survival gear. Portable Device Charger Access to devices can be important on a long road trip. Do you use a GPS system for navigation? Are you planning to use your cell phone to keep in touch with loved ones? If you are traveling with young kids, do they have devices to stay entertained? A portable power station that uses solar power to charge your devices is a great way to stay connected. Choose a charger with a built-in flashlight for a reliable safety solution. You’ll be glad to have a flashlight if you need to tinker around under the hood of your car or need an S.O.S flasher. Non-Perishable Food Snacks are a great part of any